4.1. API Overview


A simple, interactive API documentation page implemented in Open API (Swagger) is available here:

View API Docs

These Open API docs provide information on both version 1 and version 2 of the API (use selector in top right corner).

TLDR Guide

To test the api from the command line:

  1. Create an API token
    1. Contact us to get a user account on this site.
    2. Make sure you're logged in. If you are, you should see an "Account" item in the far right of the nav menu above.
    3. Select Account > User Profile. Your API token will be on your User Profile page.
  2. Make an HTTP GET request to an API endpoint using curl. Make sure to include your token in the request under the request header 'Authorization:Token'.

For example, run the following command in a terminal on your machine to get a list of all IGSDB products in JSON form:

curl -XGET https://igsdb.herokuapp.com/api/products/ -H 'Authorization:Token ( your user's API token )'