4.2. V1 and V2 API

When IGSDBv1 was released, an API was provided to gives users a json representation of a product list or product detail. The product detail was keyed by product_id.

With the introduction of v2, the IGSDB data model's complexity has increased, and with it the representation of a product in the API.

For example, products in the IGSDBv2 are now keyed by human-readable and URL-capable token identifier. Products now have the concept of a composition, and more information is provided via the optical_data and integrated_spectral_averages_summary dictionaries.

The IGSDBv2 supports both the older v1 representation of a product as well as the newer representation.


To access the older v1 representation of a list of products or a product detail, the following endpoints should be used:

Product list https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v1/products
Product detail https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v1/products/( product_id )
Schema https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v1/schema


To access the newer v2 representation of a list of products or a product detail, the following endpoints should be used:

Product list https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v2/products
Product detail https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v2/products/( token )
Schema https://igsdb-v2.herokuapp.com/api/v2/schema
Note that in V1 the product detail endpoint is keyed using product_id, while the V2 product detail endpoint is keyed using token.